Sometimes teeth become fractured by trauma, grinding or biting on hard objects. In other cases, fillings, crowns and other restorative devices can be damaged or fall out of the mouth completely. If there is severe pain, it is essential to make an appointment with the dentist as quickly as possible. If you have a dental emergency, don’t wait!
At Bartram Dental, we use the latest technologies to get you in and out of the office in no time, with your smile as good as new.
CEREC® is a method used by thousands of dentists worldwide to replace fillings and to restore any tooth that is decayed, weakened, or broken to its natural strength and beauty. If you’re experiencing any of these issues with your teeth, don’t hesitate to make an appointment and get help today!
Here’s some things we can help you with right away!
Avulsed Tooth
If a tooth has been knocked clean out of the mouth, it is essential to see a dentist immediately. The dentist will try to replace the tooth in its natural socket. In some cases, the tooth will reattach, but if the inner mechanisms of the teeth are seriously damaged, root canal therapy may be necessary.
Avulsed Tooth
If a tooth has been knocked clean out of the mouth, it is essential to see a dentist immediately. The dentist will try to replace the tooth in its natural socket. In some cases, the tooth will reattach, but if the inner mechanisms of the teeth are seriously damaged, root canal therapy may be necessary.
Dislodged/Loose Teeth
When a tooth has been dislodged or loosened from its socket by trauma or decay, it might be possible to save it. If the tooth remains in the mouth and attached to the blood vessels and nerves, there is a good chance root canal therapy will not be necessary.
Dislodged/Loose Teeth
When a tooth has been dislodged or loosened from its socket by trauma or decay, it might be possible to save it. If the tooth remains in the mouth and attached to the blood vessels and nerves, there is a good chance root canal therapy will not be necessary.
Lost Filling or Crown
Usually, a crown or filling comes loose while eating. Once it is out of the mouth, the affected tooth may be incredibly sensitive to temperature changes and pressure. Crowns generally become loose because the tooth beneath is decaying.
Lost Filling or Crown
Usually, a crown or filling comes loose while eating. Once it is out of the mouth, the affected tooth may be incredibly sensitive to temperature changes and pressure. Crowns generally become loose because the tooth beneath is decaying.
Cracked or Broken Teeth
The teeth are strong, but they are still prone to fractures, cracks and breaks. Fractures, cracks and breaks can take several different forms, but are generally caused by trauma, grinding and biting.
Cracked or Broken Teeth
The teeth are strong, but they are still prone to fractures, cracks and breaks. Fractures, cracks and breaks can take several different forms, but are generally caused by trauma, grinding and biting.
The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment.
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